Singularity is near (4)

Singularity is near (4)

"He who created man an equivalent also created science. What has a man in anywhere without labor? When the mandate went forth: Thou shall live by the sweat of thy brow, there was, because it was, a replacement creation. When God uttered His fiat the planet was made. Art (a creation attribute inside the duality conflict), wasn't then made. But when Adam was expelled from Paradise, God created for him the sunshine (or ability to control Nature), when He bade him live by the work of his hands. In like manner, He created for Eve her special light when He said to her: 'In sorrow shall thou cause children.' Thus, and there, were these beings made human and earthy that were before like angels. Thus, by the word were creatures made. By this same word was also made the sunshine (ability to create) which was necessary to man. Hence the inside man followed from the second creation, after the expulsion from Paradise. Before the autumn, that cognition which was requisite to man had not begun to develop in him. He received it from the angel when he was cast out of Paradise. The man was made complete within the order of the body, but not within the order of the humanities ." the power to make is indeed a singularity trait (light).

singularity is near
Singularity is near 

The fall from Paradise (Singularity) was made deliberate. The temptation was an excessive amount of. the autumn from Grace was the birth of the primary duality in consciousness. The polarity became the social explanation for resistance and war, a very dark region where mankind is actually banished until the transformation code is solved. The Duality Creation actually, by fiat, was purposely left unfinished, so to talk. the humanities were overlooked, a process for a man to finish. Unfortunately, as we expect, we create inside the planet around us and there seems to be nobody but we chicken dropping bombs, socially and physically. Adam and Eve could have remained in Singularity and took part in the creation process. But, a free-will decision became the poisonous duality that allowed decay, which eventually resulted in death. Both Adam and Eve fell from the divine refinement opening the door to all or any evil. Worst of all, this temptation satisfaction caused human limitations for God's people, inviting war, disease, suffering, broken hearts, mental illness, handicaps, greed, and belief systems supported flawed reasoning. The royal bloodline was far away from the laboratory and introduced into the domain of God's adversary, the negative counterpart perpetually responsible of the earth.
After extolling the wisdom of the serpent, the account casts serious aspersions on the creator: "What sort is he then, this God?" Then come a number of the answers to the statement. Theological interpreters claim the motive of the creator in punishing Adam was envy, for the creator envied Adam, who by eating the fruit would acquire knowledge (gnosis). Neither did the creator seem quite omniscient when he asked of Adam: "Where are you?" The creator has shown himself repeatedly to be "an envious slanderer," a jealous God, who inflicts cruel punishments on those that transgress his capricious orders and commandments. The Gnostic comments further claim: "But these are the items he said (and did) to those that believe him and serve him." The implication clearly presents itself that with a God like this, one needs no enemies. Unfortunately, the whole point is misconstrued because nobody understands the very nature of creation.

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