Singularity is near (1)

Singularity is near 

Science and mathematical geniuses like to use fancy words. one among these terms is Singularity. The fantasy idiom relates to a spread of concepts considering mathematics, geometry, complex analysis, natural sciences, technology, economics, and even entertainment. For the aim of understanding, consider this word as a condensed description of a future where finally everything there's to understand is totally understood. Understandably, sometimes expressions, especially complex ones, can become intellectually intimidating. However, during this case, attempt to examine this carefully and start to know the word's crucial significance. the precise meaning can even imply that it is the end of your time because nothing more can possibly be learned, all thanks to an incredible acceleration in evolutionary knowledge.
There's no biblical conflict by putting the puzzle pieces together correctly. the large bang, a prevailing cosmological theory, was a creative process that occurred over many years. FYI: the idea purports to elucidate some event history but not absolutely the earliest stages, or where the event comes from. Still, the hypothesis happens to be the foremost comprehensive and accurate explanation supported by scientific evidence and observation. But the Old Testament doesn't quarrel with this in the least. The universe began with an incredible amount of warmth energy which immediately began the cooling process (God-Power, the source of the tremendous energy). Eventually, the decaying process and deliberate destruction caused the world to become without "form and void". 

singularity is near
singularity is near

There's clear evidence that evolutionary cycles exist. As a matter of fact, cycles are fractal components stretching way back to pre-man existence to the start. you'll understand this modulation inherent in creation as learning, or more accurately explained, as an experience phasing. In essence, the universe might be 20 billion years old or more, for that matter, especially if you count the pre-existence formulations. thanks to the dilution and negative aspects of Duality, the results are evident. Stars blow out, planets decay, black holes form, but what's extraordinary is that the Earth appears to be unique and completely refreshed and wholesome.
So, during this new freshness, the results of power-regeneration, God (the standard generic description of this supreme entity isn't correct because the source of power is indeed far greater than anyone can realize) desired a far better spiritual reproduction by creating Adam within the rudimentary resemblance of the Creator. There seems to be a scarcity of understanding of what this actually means. Adam was special, a possible divine royal bloodline with godly traits. due to this, he was to an excellent extent, different than ordinary humankind, created within the image of the creator (meaning having the ability to also create and be of appropriate guidance for others). But Adam originally possessed extraordinary godly powers in conjunction with the traditional physical energies from the dust of the bottom (meaning Duality).
Adam thus inherited that special spiritual soul of consciousness, an animating divine principle, intrinsic personas of distinguishable formalized essence, or Singularity quintessence break away creation, almost sort of a part of God. So albeit limited consciousness exists throughout the animal (and even the plant) world, man's ability to reason and make maybe a soul component and not a created instinct. additionally, direct communication between the created and therefore the Creator began with uncontaminated accessibility. The channel was properly "tuned-in" and dealing. No other created biological entities were assigned or contracted with this spiritual constituent and capability. technological singularity
Understand this was a sacred lineage, the potential foundation of a family "tree" (and that's why the tree-symbol is crucial in breaking the code). Spiritual fractals were actually symbolized and branching off, if this was to occur, becoming the youngsters of God, the particular people. Their meticulous responsibility was to exhibit godly conduct for the remainder of mankind to follow, a direction in Duality that results in ultimate fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy.
This may be difficult to understand, but understand the tree representation and therefore the meaningful significance. Adam was the intimate reflection of Divinity, possessing a spiritual frequency with the Creator, the initial Christ (the Word, or God's spokesman as a person's being) and seed for the lineage of David, the royal bloodline, favoring the birth of the Savior as king of kings. (Note: that's why it had been so important and crucial for Jesus to repudiate and not become influenced by Satan, the negative side of the Word). To further clarify, the Duality creation requires this pairing sequence where there is a first-Christ before the second. This particular "Trial" was introduced into the creation because the primary human character inside the Duality reality began in corruption with Lilith (negative-enticement symbolism).
Again, that is the nature of the Duality arena where inertia requires resistance. There has got to be positive and negative. Opposites must exist in Duality. That's why evil exists. Where there's good, there's the absence of excellent. Up requires down. A beginning requires an ending. the whole Creation exhibits this first thrust or force with resistance characteristics because there is no other way. Understand, it's possible for Singularity to intersect Duality but impossible for Duality to be in Singularity. Keep this principle in mind. To further clarify; Duality cannot corrupt oneness because Singularity is incorruptible. ai singularity
This now brings up a stimulating comparison as described by Einstein. The absence of sunshine is darkness and therefore the absence of affection is hate. What exists in Singularity is light and love, oneness which can't be subtracted from. the singularity
This subject is incredibly simplistic, but with a posh outcome. We are what we eat, in both food and in thinking. Adam existed in oneness after Lilith. The Creator set this up as a divine examination period checking how Singularity can survive within the Duality creation. singularity Remember, the world became without form and barren of most life thanks to an excellent spiritual Duality divergence. A redesign of Earth Systems allowed the Singularity into Duality with an ultimate plan to determine the dominion (or reign) of God.

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